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The company STEF-POL specializes in manufacturing rectifiers and automatic chargers from 1980.


Lp Product Name Model Technical Data
1 Jumper cables rubber insulated, flexible in the cold 200A length 2,5m
2 Jumper cables rubber insulated, flexible in the cold 400A length 2,5m
3 Jumper cables rubber insulated, flexible in the cold 400A length 4m
4 Jumper cables rubber insulated, flexible in the cold 400a length 5m
5 Jumper cables rubber insulated, flexible in the cold 600A length 3m
6 Jumper cables rubber insulated, flexible in the cold 600A length 4,5m
7 Jumper cables rubber insulated, flexible in the cold 600A length 6m
8 Jumper cables rubber insulated, flexible in the cold 900A length 6m

Przewody Rozruchowe

Przewody Rozruchowe STEF-POL


Przewody rozruchowe w izolacji gumowej. 

Elastyczne na mrozie do - 40 °C